Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Partner in Crime ( or Parenting)

I'm lucky! I could leave it as these simple two words but let me explain. 

I'm lucky to have a husband who is right next to me in this journey. Sure, I realize I am fortunate because Graham shares the parenting load. He did a lot of the nighttime feedings, changes almost all dirty diapers on the weekends, seriously I could go on, but I won't! Where I feel so grateful and lucky is to have that person who makes this FUN!

A couple Friday evenings ago, we decided to take it "easy" with bedtime. We fed the kids dinner. Bathed and jammied them. Gathered all the necessary blankets and lovies and pillows to make a "road trip" fun. We were set! Ready to embark on our pretzel hunt. (Side note: I had read about a pretzel shop in the area that made homemade pretzels with three ingredients. My information came from Facebook and this new knowledge resulted in a series of texts to my husband that our mission was to find this pretzel shop. Tonight!). 
After about 20 mins of screaming from the baby, apparently tonight of all nights she hates her carseat, and a whiny, little boy we were starting to re-think our genius plan. But we were so close. Oh, so close. So we continued. Pulled up to their door 10 mins later to a sign that said CLOSED! Three hours ago! 

He laughed, I moped! I was setting aside a special set of my calories from the day and nothing seemed to fill that void.  

I guess my point... I'm lucky to not only have someone who shares the chores of parenthood, but also makes it fun. 

Thanks, Graham. 

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