Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Weekend!

I really look forward to the weekends. Now more so than ever before. I guess it's a change from our daily routine (and no, I still haven't figured out a true routine) and the togetherness of our little family. My Friday/weekend posts are going to be sweet Bennett-isms from the week and/or pictures of the kiddos. 

1) This sweet face was all about daddy this week. We couldn't go anywhere without hearing "dada, daaaaadaaaa, dada." You get the idea. In fact, I recorded a few of these moments and sent them to Graham. 

2) shhh! Don't tell Bennett I said this, but I love that Charlotte is starting to "pick on" her. A trip to Sam's Club resulted in both kids sitting in the basket. Charlotte loved the company Bennett loved the attention. 

3) These two have a bond that I can't yet describe, but I love listening and watching this relationship grow each day.

4) I'm excited to try a homemade pretzel shop that I found here. They use three ingredients when making their pretzels. Naturally, they are nut and dairy-free. Score! 

5) Charlotte is on the move and into everything. What was an army crawl, log roll and scooting, quickly turned into a full on crawl and even bear crawl. Once crawling took off so did pulling to stand and the beginning stages of cruising. This girl is fast and momma was not ready for this stage. My weekend will be spent baby-proofing a few more rooms. 

And I will leave you with this sweet conversation between Bennett and me. 
Another cute one...

B: mom, wouldn't it be so much fun for us to go on a trip with daddy?
M: it would be fun
B: we could even take two cars so we don't bother daddy. Maybe me and daddy can ride together and you and Charlotte can ride together.
M: don't you think Charlotte and I want to see daddy, too?
B: well, daddy and I have things we need to talk about. Like school and work and Legos. 

Happy Weekend all! 

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